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Torchwood - créations d'épisodes non officiels
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13 décembre 2009

the date - chapters 8,9,10,11

VIII Revolution Tosh scanned Ianto's body when consciouness came back to his mind. No bad signs. But something had cause the Fainted fit of the tea Boy. What's happened between them ? In fact, Jack, Tosh and Dr Harper was cleaning market place as usual,...
13 décembre 2009

le(s) sens de l'univers - Partie II - chapitre 6

VI Alliés Le son était clair, doux et apaisant. Quelque chose assez proche d'une berceuse dans son intention mais le rythme restait celui de la parole et non du chant. Le regard fasciné par cette harmonie millenaire, Jack ne quittait pas des yeux l'écran...
10 décembre 2009

Premier Rencard - Ianto/Jack (english sort of version)VII

VII Into nigthmare His body repeated himself to wake up, muscles as contracted as stones or pilars of his so small shiny life, but his mind was still fascinating by the scene.It was composed of true video flashback from the hub, just after Jack's return....
10 décembre 2009

Premier Rencard - Ianto/Jack (english sort of version)V et VI

V Ianto's touch 26 th month later - A weewil , according to me. - I don't know what you're talking about...answered Jack, on the alert. His voice was so grave and rythmed. So intense. And naïve in the same time. After a few talks, Jack, carrying a weewil...
10 décembre 2009

Premier Rencard - Ianto/Jack (english sort of version)IV

IV His body calls him to wake up, muscles as contracted as stones or pilars of his so small shiny life, but his mind was still fascinating by the scene. - 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6...Dr Harper counted out of breath while his professionnal hands handled Ianto's chest...
10 décembre 2009

Premier Rencard - Ianto/Jack (english sort of version) III

III - And what about Gwen ?- What ? Exclamed Jack , short breathing, mind chocked by Ianto's mean question. How could he think about this while bullets were flying everywhere into the dark ? Harkness exulted when somehow his partner tackeled him. But,...
10 décembre 2009

Premier Rencard - Ianto/Jack (english sort of version) II

He loved the way Jack swallowed like a sleepy tiger, eyes observing everything in a tense but easy way, like if 51th century human could analyse more informations than his own brain. Evolution ? What could be different in Jack's mind, thaugts... – Ianto...
10 décembre 2009

Premier Rencard - Ianto/Jack (english sort of version)

(The episode begins in the middle of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang/le retour de Jack) While Ianto's hands were searching for a bomb evidence at the top level of the building, his mind was sighting : Jack...Jack just have asking me for a date. Oki,well. And I have...
10 décembre 2009

Les sens de l'univers - partie II - chapitre 5

V Alliés ? Le son était clair, doux et apaisant. Quelque chose assez proche d'une berceuse dans son intention mais le rythme restait celui de la parole et non du chant. Le regard fasciné par cette harmonie millenaire, Jack ne quittait pas des yeux l'écran...
2 décembre 2009

Les sens de l'univers - partie II - chapitre 4

IV Ce qui s'était vraiment passé ce soir-là près de la 304 marron, sur les quais de Cardiff. Le dernier Weewil mit en fuite, Jack revint à la victime. Evanouie, la femme respirait cependant sereinement. Que faisait-il habituellement dans ses cas là :...
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Torchwood - créations d'épisodes non officiels