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Torchwood - créations d'épisodes non officiels

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19 janvier 2010

Dr Who sur France4

La chaîne nationale la plus novatrice et la plus proche des 25/40 ans suit les aventures de David Tennant - regretté Dr car l'acteur devrait être remplacé par un autre postulant pour le rôle du 11ème (?) docteur, depuis la création de la plus vieille série tv du PAM (paysage audiovisuel mondial) dans les années 60.

A ne pas manquer donc ce soir, à 22H10 ... Dommage cependant que la première partie de soirée ne soit pas réservée à la série britannique hilarante et savoureuse au lieu du déjà vu et prévisible  _Nuit d'ivresse_.


9 janvier 2010

Ilustration par Flo (

Comme promis Flo a bien voulu illustrer ma nouvelle Meanings of universe/les sens de l'univers 

Une superbe illustration de la connivence entre Asia et sa maîtresse Alice... Superbe réalisation !


Le site de Flo  , portraitiste, dessinatrice et illustratrice :

5 janvier 2010

Sauver Ianto Jones...continue


Après la disparition du personnage de Ianto Jones, des centaines de milliers de fans ont protesté, envoyant cartes "save the coffee boy", lettres de condoléances et autres signes de protestation à la BBC.

Il est vrai que tuer ce personnage et de cette façon étaient pour le moins ridicules... Et comme l'ont dit Balzac, Kundera, etc... "un personnage a sa propre logique, il résiste"...

L'action menée par les veilleurs de Ianto a permis également de lever des fonds pour l'Enfance dans le Besoin.

Mais à l'aube de la 4ème saison et de la sortie dans les bacs de la 3ème ( qui a vu la mort du dit-personnage) les veilleurs  n'ont pas dit leur dernier mot ! Une action de dimension webienne est prévue le 9 janvier.

Sur le site :

Le 9 janvier, s'y connecter !

28 décembre 2009

C'était la veille de Noël...Chap. 3 et 4

C'était la veille de Noël... 

Chapitre 3

En arrivant au sommet de la colline, ils aperçurent des lumières bleues à distance. Tosh restait en contact, elle confirma que la faille spatio-temporel était redevenue stable après l'incident à élucider. Gwen put discerner un peu plus loin, dans les feux du 4X4, le barrage de police, les silhouettes s'activant et les fameuses bandes réfléchissantes des gilets de policiers.

Ianto se gara juste à côté d'un car de police et l'équipe en descendit. Gwen reconnut Andy Davidson, il se frotta les mains pour lutter contre le froid et remonta son col de veste. Il esquissa un sourire en notant l'arrivée de Gwen et celles de Jack, Ianto et Owen.

-Vous avez pas beaucoup de relâche, dites-moi !

-Non, pas dans ce boulot, admis Gwen, en lui souriant. Qu'est-ce qu'on a ?

-Rien de précis. Sans doute un de vos choses étranges. Un truc a illuminé la colline avant de venir se crasher là. Il se retourna pour leur indique une zone arborée entourée d'obscurité. Une lumière rouge et intense seule était visible à travers les branches. « Pas d'inquiétude, ajouta-t-il, personne n'y a mis les pieds » ajouta-t-il nerveusement à l'adresse de Jack.

- Parfait ! Allons-y, dit ce dernier. Jack remonta lui-aussi son col contre le froid et se mit à arpenter le versant de la colline, suivit par ses équipiers. A l'approche du point d'impact, ils prirent tous leur arme et allumèrent leur torche. Ils arrivèrent à la zone arborée, trébuchant parfois sur des racines.

-Mon dieu, comme c'est sec, ici ! S'exclama Owen qui venait juste de se faire attraper la jambe par une branche basse.

-Silence ! Claqua Jack. Il peut y avoir n'importe quoi par ici !

La lumière rouge en vue s'éclaircit, des gémissements de douleurs leur parvinrent. Jack fut le premier à dépasser le bosquet et à s'aventurer dans la clairière. Il s'arrêta net, bouche bée. Pour la première fois depuis bien bien longtemps, Jack restait sans voix.

Owen arriva juste derrière lui, suivit de Gwen et Ianto.

Tous les quatre ouvraient de grands yeux, torches pointant sur l'impacte du crash.

- C'est une blague, là ? Murmura Owen.

- Euh, dit Ianto, est-ce que je vois ce que je vois ?

- Ça dépend, admit Owen, est-ce tu vois un elfe mort, un attelage de rênes, l'un d'eux avec un nez lumineux ? Un traineau cabossé ? Et , un corps imposant emmêlée dans les harnais ?

- Ouais !

- Bien, c'est aussi ce que je vois !

- Mon dieu !

Jack s'approcha, l'arme au point. Ianto s'interposa :

- Jack, tu ne peux pas tirer dessus, tu ne peux pas viser le Père Noël ! Le jeune Gallois s'était mis en travers de son chemin et semblait regarder avec intensité la zone d'impact. Ça a l'air calme, aucune source de danger.

Harkness posa sur lui un regard exaspéré et hocha la tête :

- Non, je ne vais pas tirer sur lui, à moins qu'il ne m'y encourage. Owen, examine-le !

- Le père Noël ! Owen secoua la tête, incrédule. C'est ça la version officieuse, le Père Noël vient de se crasher juste au-dessus de Cardiff, sur la colline de Llacanran ?

- T'as une meilleure explication ? , répondit Jack. J'aimerais bien l'entendre...

Chapitre 4

Owen releva les yeux de la silhouette qu'il venait d'examiner. Ils avaient extrait le blessé du traîneau cabossé et l'avaient étendu doucement à plat. Celui-ci ne gémissait plus. Owen se redressab et enleva ses gants d'examen.

- Il souffre de blessures, rien de grave mais nous devant le transporter au hub pour que je puisse le soigner correctement. Il paraît être humain mais je ne peux rien garantir tant que je ne l'aurai pas passé au scanner.

-A-t-il dit quelque chose ? Demanda Gwen en s'approchant du blessé.

- Non, il est inconscient. Il s'est sans doute évanoui quand nous l'avons bougé, cette jambe semble touchée. Je pense qu'il a reçu aussi un bon coup sur la tête

Jack observa les lieux.

- Ça doit être faisable de rapprocher le 4X4 jusque là mais ...que faire de ça ? Dit Jack, en désignant le groupe de rênes encore harnachés au traîneau. Celui avec le nez lumineux semblait particulièrement morose.

- La police a un van, ça devrait aller pour le traîneau, proposa Ianto, l'astucieux. Et nous sommes passés devant une ferme sur le chemin, y'a 1.5 kilomètre. Je parie qu'ils disposent d'un camion à bestiaux. Parfait pour Rudolphe et ses potes.

Jack lui glissa un regard intrigué :

- Rudolphe ?

- Comment puis-je le nommer ? Répondit Ianto, dubitatif. Le pauvre vieux a l'air tellement triste !

Jack se dit qu'il n'était pas nécessaire d'argumenter davantage, quoi qu'il puisse ajouter, Ianto appelerait la bestiole comme bon lui semblerait. Et c'était vrai que l'animal avait l'air plutôt malheureux.

- Ok, on va faire comme ça !


23 décembre 2009

the date - chapter 12 (the continuation of chapter)

XII Visions (The continuation of the chapter 12)

Jack knelt down at the level of Ianto. His day had been hard and to move all his memories, Lisa's traces, photos, their conflict the day before, all of this had weakened the energy and the phlegm of the young Welshman. Tears drop from his closes blinds eyes.
Tears flowed of the closed and blind eyes. His alert and attractive stature bent under the weight of a sigh of discouragement. Jack looked at him with tenderness, never Ianto would have been able to forget this glance if he had been able to see him... With the fingertips, Jack wiped slowly the bitter tears. He tightened in the arms the body tired of Ianto. This soft and warm embrace went on. None of both partners spoke.
The love, the confidence and the body heat of Jack invaded Ianto. He would have wanted that this embrace never stops. Jack let too his body and his heart float serenely in the sweetness of this moment when they belonged only to them same. Nobody to observe them. Jack embraces velouté of an ear then pressed his mouth on the forehead of the young man. All his energy, his will, his love wanted, had to be of use at least to itn : protect, reassure, love Ianto Jones.
- Don't worry, we 'll fixe always !

Ianto sighted and nodded. Jack muttered to him :
- I 'll guide you to the suv then to the hub, ok ? Where are your keys, need to close there...

- They are in the basket with hearts...near the door. Lisa wanted that it is a means to forget never our love, she put hearts almost everywhere and changed them place. A little as an unexpected rain of love, he muttered.

Ianto recovered and took place the hand on the forehead. He heard Jack to activate the lock. And the military coat came to stick against the left cheek when Jack helped him to walk and to go out of the apartment. Capitaine kept silent, warning, but also the worried spirit... Ianto knew him so well, he felt him as a second skin, Jack hid him something... An amused smile was outlined on Ianto's lips.
- What ? What do you want do to ?

Jack tried to decipher this smile and understood in which point it had become predictable for his favorite butler. He smiled by saying himself that an old couple would not have better made!
- Martha ? Called Jack with his bluethooth connection, because Ianto had taken the hint of it.

- Oh, my god ! Swore Jones who remembered suddenly the famous chip which made of his body a readable product with complete impunity.
Melodious voice of the doctor was listening.
- Yes, Jack? Of the new? The constants of Ianto are good but something alters his perception
- Are you kidding me ! Swore the Welsh
- Oh, sorry Ianto..I , began Dr Jones.
Jack interrupted her apologize. No apropriate moment for that.
- Hang on, Martha, please.

He helped Jones to rise in Suv, he sat down in the steering wheel, buckled them two belts but without starting.
- What it is ? The driver asked. Ianto sees nothing more !

While the capitaine talked with Dr Jones, the other Jones, Ianto the butler, Ianto who have beged to enter the Torchwood team, this Ianto...watched ! His eyes wide open saw things. But it wasn't the usual reality. It was another dimension : flashy colors, mouvements, energy. He catched the air mouvement round them into the car, he followed Jack' blood in his darling veines...
Worried about his man, Jack didn't seem to notice it. Martha told him :

- Yes , he sees but it is rather the eyes which absorb the color instead of perceiving things around him, bounded by colors. So everything looks dark. A problem of spectre, doubtless an extraterrestrial powder to modify the vision to show the other thing ... May be, she added.
- How many times this will long to him ?
- Let me check... I look for the composition of the powder in question... No answer before a couple of hour at least. But nothing dangerous !
- So great ! Ianto conclued cynically.

His bad humor turned against this cursed chip helped him especially not to hate Jack more than he would have wanted it ! Hate the being that we loved was the last thing which he wanted. Especially with Jack by his side, so loan of a kiss that of one sound to uper cut! Ianto massed his palms of hands, by way of catharsis.
Jack crossed his daggers glance in the rear-view mirror. He felt shameful, a little bit treacherous but he continued to think that this chip could also be another good idea. The suv started and they kept silence...

Suddenly, Jack lost control of the suv, something or someone played with wheels directions !
- What the fuck …He turned to Ianto.

Jones 's smile was significant.
- Never play with cybertechnologie, Jack...We knew it, before ! Remember, Lisa !

Jack 's fear raised to the top, what happen to Ianto ? Martha's voice souded again in his brain in a moment, six month ago, he didn't want really listen her explaination :
Chipset will show you where your men are. But it's not a slave chipset at all. It could help them to escape by their proper way. If you decide to place it into one's body, it won't be nothing else like a fallen teeth in a stomach. Except, stomach will recognise it as his own and acides won't attack it. But if you active the chipset...are you listen to me...

- Ianto, what are you doin' ? Where do we go ? Are sure you could drive this car with your chipset ?

Jones looked at him with a psycho gaze – he played a lot, but he was quite good as a foolish ! He felt very well, his eyes understood now energies and colors flux so he could see the road, the people, and he could feel the scary man close to him... - He took a grave voice , open wide eyes :

- But who are you ? …
He turned his eyes – as a robbot do - to the street firelight but in fact, he just need to follow the street colors...No need to see the way for driving safely. Just take it by his mind, like a color rail...

In the same time, he felt it as it was in his proper body and feeling : Jack shivered ! Ianto followed the shivering in each parcel of Jack's body. The great Capitaine Harkness worried about him : Ianto Jones ! He never feel so much happy and so much shamefull in the same time - by the way there was something else, another strong feeling... something stranger, nothing he could understand easily but...he would explore it... after.
Ok, won't play anymore with you...Dear. Just a litlle bit...Jones thaught.

He turned again his foolish gaze to Jack, his robbot voice still played :
- What... a... nice coat , baby ! He shouted happyly !

- Are you kidding me, Ianto Jones ? You are making fun with me ?

The fierce eyes of Jack turned to a smile, considering nothing was so Terrifying if Ianto was still his Ianto. He savoured Jones big laugh as a great tasted wine or kiss... He sighted.
- Sorry, Capt'ain...I am a teasing boy, just want to make you consider that you betrayed me with this chipset stuff !... But i understand why you have done that...And by the way, it 's funny to guide a car without maneuvering the steering wheel !... Please, Jack, keep you hands on the stering wheels...People won't like it if...

- Oh, yes...sorry. So...we go to...Market place ! Something to show me ?

A red dark flux raised into Ianto 's body. Fortunately, his partner could not perceive it, but Ianto's mischievious smile and glance to Jack were significants enough. He raised a terribly roguish eyebrow :

- Yes, some corner sinks and left for...He sighted. No, forgiveness ! I think that I understood, something wich must be hidden in the middle of the market, under the glance of all but outside their perception. You asked me to investigate into this battle between aliens, last night ... They fought for something...May be i could see it, now !

- Ok...Show me !

22 décembre 2009

C'était la veille de Noël...chap 1 et 2

Avertissement : je traduis ici un conte de Noël en cours d'écriture, oeuvre de Terri (aka Kelspook, membre active du forum Torchwood uk.) - Cette histoire nous tient en haleine depuis des jours et j'ai eu envie de la faire partager aux lecteurs non anglophones, avec l'autorisation de Terri, bien sûr.

I translate into french an english torchwood tale written by Terri (aka Kelspook, actif member of TW forum Uk). Her story posted in serials keeps us in in suspense for several days, that seemed funny to translate it into French to make it better share. With Terri autorization, of course.

Chapitre 1

C'était la veille de Noël. Ianto venait d'appeler Jack pour qu'il le rejoigne dans les cellules du hub mais – à sa grande déception – c'était seulement pour régler un problème.

-Regardez, dit Ianto, elle n'a pas bougé depuis des heures...

Jack observa la cellule. Janet – le weewil - était couchée, elle s'était pelotonnée sur le côté , les yeux clos, de petits ronflements sortaient des narines aplaties et bestiales. Il leva un sourcil de stupéfaction.

- Elle ne dort jamais d'habitude !

- Je sais , acquiesça Ianto, anxieux. Même quand il n'y a personne autour, elle est toujours éveillée. Elle dort même moins que vous et je ne pensais pas que c'était possible.

Il jeta un coup d'œil à Jack. Ianto précisa...

- Elle sait toujours d'avance quand vous allez entrer ici. Elle n'aime vraiment votre odeur...Mais là, pas de réaction.

- Se fier à l'esthétique olfactive d'un weewil ! Répliqua Jack, un peu offusqué...J'ai toujours senti divinement bon !

- Eh bien, moi, j'y suis sensible... mais pas elle, pas du tout...

- Bon, revenons à notre problème... Jack inspira, reculant de quelques pas, il observa ,les bras croisés, à nouveau la bête immobile. Elle dort comme ça depuis combien de temps ?

- Six heures...

- Et, elle n'a rien fait de bizarre avant cela ? Jack demanda d'un oeil sévère, ajoutant : Avez-vous laissé Owen l'alimenter ? Il a essayé de la saouler pendant des mois … pensant que ce sera drôle !

- Bien sûr que non, je n'ai pas laissé Owen l'approcher ! Répondit le majordome avec indignation. J'ai regardé la surveillance vidéo : Janet a semblé regarder droit vers le haut, a fait un bruit mystérieux, a fait quelques tours sur elle-même puis s'est pelotonnée sur le lit et s'est endormie... Avant ça, rien d'anormal .

-Étrange... Un sourire lent et cynique se dessina sur le visage de Jack. Et comme par hasard, ça a lieu la vieille de Noël...

- Non ! Taisez-vous ! Vous allez nous porter la poisse si...

- Soyons sérieux, aucune créature, même pas Janet, ne vaut autant d'inquiétudes ! S'esclaffa Jack.

- Pfft... oser dire des trucs pareils, aujourd'hui...soupira Jones, inquiet.

Ils remontèrent en trombe à la partie centrale du Hub. Ianto, contrarié par les propos de Jack, lui jeta un regard noir de reproches.

-Quoi encore ? Demanda le capitaine.

- Oh..rien ! …


Chapitre 2

Quand ils arrivèrent près de la plateforme de contrôle, Tosh s'activait énergiquement sur son clavier, Owen et Gwen observaient les opérations juste derrière son épaule.

- Bon , qu'est-ce qu'on a ? questionna Jack, marchant à grands pas jusqu'au groupe.

- Une crevasse conséquente, en sens inverse de la faille, elle court jusqu'à l'extérieur de la ville. Tosh continuait de s'activer frénétiquement sur son clavier, ne quittant pas l'écran une seconde.

- Ça, évidemment... murmura Gwen, d'un air rêveur... J'avais arrêté mon ordinateur, allais juste être l'heure à la maison : Rhys  dû préparer un beau dîner de Veille de Noël … Il a pas fini de me maudire !

- Je suis sûr que vous serez capable de le contenir, agent Cooper ! Glissa, sardonique,Owen.

- Ferme-la, Owen. Tu es si suffisant parfois ...

- Bien, Joyeux Noël à vous aussi ! ... déclara-t-il, ironique.

Ianto, agacé, se tourna vers Jack d'un air accusateur...

-Au fait, vous faisiez quoi, Jack ? Demanda Gwen, les mains sur les hanches. Son regard de flic suspicieux essayait d'en deviner un peu plus.

-Quoi ? Moi ? Rien de spécial. Légèrement gêné, il se racla la gorge et se pencha vers Tosh. Crevasse inverse de la faille ? Pas très courant.

Le jeune Galois se tourna vers Gwen et glissa :

- Il a encore parlé à tort et à travers, il va nous apporter la poisse...

La tête dans les mains, Gwen s'exclama :

-Quoi ? Mais il avait promis de ne plus provoquer le mauvais œil !

-Vous pouvez suivre un peu, tous les deux ! Dit jack qui se retourna pour superviser les manips de Tosh.

-Les écrans s'affolent de partout ! Dit celle-ci, en remontant avec défi ses lunettes sur son nez.

Elle se dégagea un peu du moniteur pour expliquer :

- La crevasse inverse est apparue du côté de Llancarfan : c'est comme si deux mouvements opposés se battaient à cet endroit. Je n'ai aucune idée ce qui s'est passé là-bas, mais c'est la cause d' un déséquilibre majeur de la faille. Elle semble pour l'instant stabiliser, mais il n'y a aucune garantie.

Ianto se dirigea vers un autre moniteur où venait d'apparaître un message d'alerte.

-Intéressant, dit-il...Un rapport de police signale que quelque chose est tombé du ciel et s'est crashé à Llancarfan. Il se retourna vers le groupe ...Je doute qu'il s'agisse d'une coïncidence...

Jack répartit rapidement les missions :

- OK, on va là-bas, on voit ce que c'est... Aucun crash de ce type ne devrait autant perturber l'espace -temps. Tosh, tu restes là et tu suis l'activité de la faille. Préviens -nous si quoique ce soit change.

Il se tourna vers Gwen :

- Tu vas voir tes collègues : je veux que le site du crash soit mis en quarantaine et personne, j'insiste, absolument personne ne doit y aller avant qu'on y ait jeter un coup d'œil !

Le capitaine allait prendre son manteau quand soudain celui-ci apparut devant lui, comme par magie, au bout du bras de Ianto.

-Toi, tu sors le 4X4 et tu nous rejoins à l'entrée...

Ianto acquiesça et obtempéra.

Gwen lâcha son téléphone.

- La zone est encerclée, dit-elle. Jack, autant te le dire, le capitaine Svanson est furieux !

Il souleva les sourcils d'un air blasé.

- Est-elle jamais contente dès lors qu'on y est pour quelque chose ? Elle se fera une raison !

Harkness haussa les épaules et fixa son casque bluethooth

- Mieux vaut passer après Torchwood qu'être tué ou pire encore ! Allons-y ! 

22 décembre 2009

the date - chapter 12

XII - Visions

Jack turned around towards its mobile, the eyes opened in big, pupil turned in the dark blue reading on the phone screen :
" Jack, help me! "

six hours before

This break of three days, finally decided on Ianto put himself in the work. It was time to bury Lisa. Second time. Definitively say to her "goodbye". Its personal objects, her clothes, the photos of a lost happiness, so many objects and memorie as Ianto had distracted from personal effects of a team member of Torchwood quarantine ... all this accumulated little by little in three lages anonymous boxes...
In every object put down, a souvenir, a roar of laughter, an impression came to bathe of tears the eyes of the young man as so many links loved to let to go in the time... To greet for last time.

The first dazzles came when Ianto began tidying up frames and Lisa's photos and he... He put at first these phenomena at the expense of the emotion: black veil in front of eyes then firm milky white flash then return in an almost correct vision of his environment. The sweat pearled on its frond. He was a little hot.
The impression of faint returned again and he caught his mobile to send a sms drafted by jerks, when his vision stabilized. It henceforth remained to congeal in black and white. By moments, objects seemed to absorb colors and at the other moments, they seemed to drown themselves there then everything became again normal. Finally alm

Suv arrived some minutes later in front of the apartment of the young Welsh. Nothing abnormal outside. Harkness went up staircases four - four, obervant the passageways of balconies, windows and roof of the residence. Nothing. Nothing suspicious.
- Jack, I am here !
The voice of Ianto resounded when Jack approached the window of the lounge. He reached to his loving welsh partner.
Ianto loocked weary and sick.

Jack crossed the hand on the face... He was going to question him but his bleue eyes met the glance with eyes opened but tearful and empty of the Welshman.
- Jack... I see nothing, i am blind, Jack... Do something !

18 décembre 2009

Part I - chapter 6

Chapter VI

One hour later, he tried to indicate his arrival in the "suite Hub " dedicated to French hostess.
- Puis-je entrer ? (may I enter ?) He asked in so crunchy but a little chopped French.

- Of course, yes, Ianto! Come !

Alice got up, she was resting. Did Jack know until what she was sick? Was it grave? Why had he kissed her ? A light of very British automockery came to his help, he thaught Pff, drops, Ianto, it is the kind of things which Jack MAKES, here is everything.

A grimace of pain was outlined on the face of the observed woman. She smiled to the young man.
Do not worry, Ian, may I call you "Ian"? … My accident of motorcycle a little knocked me down, three weeks ago, some ribs are ,let us say, « talées » (just chocked). She put herself up and invited him to sit down in front of her.

- Oh, no, merci (Oh not, thank you), he said in French. The captain charged me with the estate management and I came to see if you needed of about...Food, drinks, utensils, medicines... Cigars! He said French-style.

She shook the head... Her glance concerned to the picture which she had painted at night.
- Of the white, I need white! You know where to find of the acrylic paint ?

- Euh, yes. OK. He added the information to his list of shopping. Something else ?
- May I accompany you?
- Euh... let's go!

Chapter VII

A bouquet had eventually cheered up . Alice had seized her glance towards a luxuriant bundle of roses and tulips wrapped by greenery. The whole had an at once rural, sensual and furiously romantic style. He hesitated.
- Why buy it you not ? She had asked, it is magnificent !

She had begun caressing the leaf hemmed by a tulip as if it was still alive. Actually, it was it, bravely living being : green emerad, pale green, its chalice of a carmin red curled the immodesty. Ianto recovered, this vision called back him he treacherous kiss. This thought darkened, lowered head, he chased away it.

Alice had cured in time, lends to say " Why do not you offer it to … "?.
But she had been rather awkward for today. Ianto did not maybe have, did not certainly want to speak about that with her. By the way, it was a he or one she ? The young man seducing by his side walke of a step of conqueror with the stake of a dandy. To what kind was it up? Feeling inquisitive, she concentrated on the beauty of a tulip which stretched out to the french, her leaf.

Ianto looked at her of the corner of the eye and was not able to refrain from answering her childish enjoyment. Alice was someone franc, direct, rebellious but also friendly. The kindness radiated of her but not the naivety. The perfect égérie! If it was not its forms too much weighed down as for the criteria of the XXI°S and its stature of rugbywoman... He felt good with her even if the memory of the kiss still tapped him. Not as long as he saw Jack kissed her, either that he made it in secret but rather what this kiss provocated to himself, symbolized in his eyes.
Him, Ianto Jones, he was crazy lover of another man.
It was necessary to put words on this feeling which took him even if it challenged all that he had lived to there. At the moment - even, a hollow of fear in the bottom of the stomach said to him in which point the not presence of Jack by his side in the surrounding ten meters weighed him.
Alice attended to her purchases, keeping an eye on him, a few meters away. Him, absorbed in the thoughts of his body and his heart, read automatically his list of shopping by piling products in his trolley.
After-shave for me. Soap for Jack - the face of the old man imposed upon him with a foam key down at the bows. An unconscious smile blocked the face of Ianto.
I love you...

Jack. I love you Jack!

The last moments scrolled in a wink of eye the eyes enamelled by contradictory feelings. Robbie William's tube: Deceptacon argued in the empty beams. All this was the other matter than to love a man, it was to love a human being. Yes, he also had a cock between legs, certainly. But, Ianto felt him by all the ports of the skin, it was a being of flesh, blood, full of mooses, attention, humor. ...The sensualism of a feline, the sweetness of poet's soul in the body of a mercenary. Touching Jack reached a billion fuller sensations the some than the others. And that had nothing to do with Jack Harkness, the rescuer, the boaster of every time. That had to see with what was really this being, beyond his assumed name, beyond his secrets millenniums and of his life at the level of the cosmos.
As two materials which contact, the symbiosis between their two souls were total: the one in the other one. Two vital energies put theres connections and which discover their complementarity, their essential complicity. Ianto released the carriage close to Alice, he ran and picked up the bouquet of flower. He passed an empty case at the same rhythm by balancing in the passing three banknotes and the code bar of the bouquet.
Streets of the morning, Cardiff, a soft and benevolent sun. Ianto drove out all the doubts which attacked him with each step launched in direction of the hub of Torchwood. If he listened to them, he would give up and nothing in the world was worth that this race against all, prejudices registered in his skin since mists of time, small arbitrary categories lends to say to you which to love and with which gestures.

He descended four to four the staircases leading of the official store to the central room. Push button of closing, yellow neons took over and a siren resounded in loop. Jack was turned over to this noise : Ianto, the cut breath, pushed back any idea to move back. The blood beat in his veins as so many rollers ready to push him at feet of the being who possessed him of all the soul. He tore the paper retaining the bouquet, made burst into the air flowers so high as he was able to and under this rain of roses, tulips of all the tones of the rainbow, he crushed the lips of his male love.
The pupils of Jack opened widely as that of the panther taken by surprise. Sounded by this entrance, he was allowed make, flood under the intensity which broke out on his body, his sex, his chest, each of his muscles. The lips of Ianto were avenging, furious at so many hours of separation, at discreet glances exchanged by far as so many failed caresses. They guided the hands perfumed by the flowers, everything reached the senses excited by thirty centuries of evolution of the post-human being. They submerged him as a hurricane ready to merge into him, by all the points of his body.

Jack free hands ' took in full hunger the body of the young tea boy. His after-shave, the running, the sweat of the desire, the flowers, everything seized the skin to slow down by the inside the sensual caresses of Ianto.
Harkness dropped on the sofa near the wall and relaxed fervently, almost brutally if it was not his movements retained in passion, the black tie, kicked away the white shirt and stuck the hands on fire on the striking ribs of the butler. This one burned him with a glance which Jack would not have liked crossing on a battlefield. In this ballet with returned bodies, it was difficult to guess who was the leader and who was the subordinate. The reserve of Ianto exploded in a passion in the wild but sensual gestures. Enlightened.
They got free one of the other one a few moments, contemplating on them same this moment of eternity. Amazed by so much ! The only thing which resounded if strong between them was the intensity of their unique breath and of their common thirst.
Jack resumed very fast the initiative, frightened that this moment did not continue if they so stopped at the edge of the Agartha. Any bitter thought had left his spirit, he just observed bending over the pleasure, brought down by the beauty of the moment which united him with Ianto. The hands leaned as so many reserved claws, translating the height of its excitement. Jack put them in a simple pressure in the back of Ianto which recovered under the tactile and carnal flow which seized the nerve endings, drunk with the improbable happiness of this moment of grace.
An eager hand caressed the crotch of the military pants, it waited in its palm for the sex bristled by the attraction which already united them for long months, since this unexpected meeting. This palm measured its own space by feeling the heat of the desire of the wild animal which was of use to him as guide and as leader. A rumbling long, feline, warm and mastered in vibrations of pleasures settled on the air which surrounded them, it bounced in every chink of their sexuality. Ianto closed eyes to savor better the sexual wave than Jack had just launched as a fireworks in rebound in the space everything around them.

- But what you are exactly ? Ianto muttered before the other man silenced him with full lips.

- Yours ! Answered Jack, by savoring that he had finally been able to say any height.

When Gwen entered the big room, a few hours later, she covered with one blanket the body of both lovers interwined in the sleep. The picture of their physical union moved her. How not to recognize such a magic?

18 décembre 2009

Part I - chapter 5

Chapter 5

The hub was plunged into the night twilight.

- Jacques ?...

The French voice souded into the cabin of the captain.

- It is you who... Jacques?

A second roaring tore away the entrails of Harckness. As if his body in its entirety had become a gigantic cave : his veins, the bones become hollow, the hands, the plant of his feet emptied slowly of life. He perceived the flow. In the style of the water which takes off in a sewer, his marrow, his blood, the water of his body left hurriedly a physical skin where only stayed only the suffering and the pain. He had even seen from the inside the deserted capital of his own ribs, as a bacterium could see it if it had had eyes. He wanted at all costs to wake up, he knew it, that was only a nightmare.

- Jacques ?

The cold hands of the French woman and her anxiety formed a virtual rope who allowed him to extricate himself at night. The air rushed into his lungs as blades... as sharp blades of life and Jack got up abruptly, going out of his dream. The sweat or the tears bathed the face in the tired glance. His body still cried under the skin of the billions of tears. They still tore up at this same moment the skin of the inside. Alice felt a little bit distraught, how do we comfort an immortal? She approached, dived into his lost glance and embraced him as a mother rocking her little boy after a bad night. The psychic energy which scattered in the body of the captain was tangible until her. A little as a shock wave after an accident.


-Fell... Do not speak, keeps your strengths, Sweety - how did his mother call him when he was small,? He had necessarily been a little boy one day even if it was or it would be somewhere else, in an another time...

She pursued, on listening his breath :

- The human beings thought for a long time that the dreams were premonitory or the language of the Gods...

The captain wanted to interrupt her but blow sounds did not exceed the rib cage -

but, she continued...

-That is only our body which makes of the arrangement. When it falls on a traumatizing event, it skates above. It is little as us with our sponge and a dirty trace, we would be incensed to rub until it disappears. A wave of deaf anger surfed on the wave of the feelings of Jack.

-You tire me, Alice ! He burst in pushing aside her abruptly, near to get up. Why do you think one second that I am as you, how you?

-Truth ?

The green eyes became again cold . She resumed :

- An information to sell me ?

She clicked by tipping over fast surprise on the other twin bed. She focused on him.

- By the way, this body, she added with a dare tone, it is your real appearance either you are a set of gas in levitation ?

The eyes shone, incited. The voice of the Frenchwoman had become so derisive as disappointed. Since how long he had not had to face the real questioning? He was tormented with the inside since hundreds of years at least. His coming on Earth had a little distracted his spirit and his body but again the need of sense, the tiredness, the suffering, friend's loss accumulated, Steven and Alice lost, the made errors had caught up to him. How helping him to stopp this long run away ?

The cold eyes pierced Jack - and even if he had seen it many others, this glance and these comments returned him for once in a state close to the impotence but it was not negative for once. It was to allow to be able to nothing make to learn to make otherwise.

- You are right, baby, she said, why would I continue to waste my time with a human waste ?

She perceived a plastic bag at hand that she collected. Dreamer, her showed it to him by taking a long breath. It is about a firm but serene tone that she said :

- This bag blows up in a twenty times superior longevity with quite human existence! That is not the longevity which counts, darling, it is kept silent how saw every second. It has neither emotion, nor pleasures, nor the same will. A fifty-year-old human being was able to produce this bag which will put two thousands years to disappear. Stop groaning ! To make feel guilty you of things in which one you have no responsibility ! To you, to choose : you want to live in human being or in plastic bag ?

- Both! Jack glared at her and turned her the back abruptly.

An ice-cold shiver crossed Alice's spinal column. It was good a light of murder which she had just perceived in his fierce eyes ?

He turned around.

The sensual lips of Jack resumed some colors. Been used to surprise his interlocutors, he snatched his mouth to her  mouth to close to first rhythms of a waltz. The pleasure of the given kiss such a punch gave way to the surprise, to the disappointment to have been had and finally in the pleasure of finally in the pleasure to find a fighter to his equal. The senses of Harckness melted under the surprise but it deprived nothing of the sensations which went through their bodies. The kiss launched as an attack changed in a serene caress, as a tense hand, the caress of a hand on the skin of an animal to be comforted. As we intercept the slap of a friend before shaking hands with him. Nothing sexual there inside, but a lot of love, yes. Infinitely.

Ianto slow down the step.

He remained seized : what he had just seen in passing in front of the room of Jack. Fortunately, his discreet steps had carrie him some meters farther while these eyes passed on the image of both embraced mouths, Jack and Alice the one against the other one. A cold wall welcomed the back to get his breath back a few moments...

17 décembre 2009

Part I - chapter 4


The paternal glance of Jack settled on his small active team.

  • Meeting !

His voice clicked in the air as the weekly music of the ice cream sailer car. Their attention got, he rolled eyes, as after the eternal clown that he was.

  • Lady and gentlemen, I present you... Alice !

He deviated from the video screen of the desk of Ianto. Four lower levels, Alice put her braid back in place. She had spent the night in the base. The soft and grey light allowed to seize her state of tiredness. They felt ashamed to observe it so without that she knew it.

- Baby!.. Murmured the captain to Ianto to draw his attention. This one took the document, with a serious face but a tiny glittering of desire in his eyes. Some seconds to be made an appearance , and the very particular secretary expressed in a monotonous voice :

" Alice, female, been born under X, on May 12th, 1965. Size : 5.9 foot , weight: 176 pounds.

Nationality: French. No family, neither relatives(parents) nor children.

A cat - he frowned

In fact, a female : Asia, completely black European cat, yellow eyes.

A photo of animal, magnificent, the sun made shone the bluish reflections of sound hairs supplied, appeared on the video screen. At the same moment, the voice of Alice resounded in French.

- Come here my beautiful!

Asia settled on the knees of her mistress with a big precaution. Her pupils were widely opened, incited and of humor player, a downy leg caught the wooden necklace around the neck of the human.

Ianto looked at his team-mates and asked by fixing Gwen, in her fifth month of pregnancy:

- anybody is not allergic to Felidae, here?

Rhys opened wide eyes. Worriing.

- No need to worry, she said.

Ianto resumed :

" On holidays in England, according to her passport. Hem...

Plane ticket return for Paris in three days.

Profession: none. Accident of motorcycle, three weeks ago.

Light bruises and an indicated platen machine.

Ownership: an old french 304 , brown. In very good state.

Smoke the cigar. "

Earing this information, Gwen smiled while waiting for Rhys's reaction: a shocked pout.

- What do you think about her ? asked Jack, his voice contained an unusual fatigue, suddenly. I engage her ?

- You do not ask us for our opinion, usually, says Ianto.

  • Well, we can always adopt new customs, he says... tone full of roguish allusions. Ianto smilled.

  • She leaves in 3 days emitted Gwen.

Harckness noted the distrust of these troops in front of the newcomer, but after Adam, and the death of Tosh, Owen and so many others... Every new meeting became in fact more difficult.

- It will be sufficient ! Well, I see that you agree, thus it is decided !

  • And what she will make ? risked Gwen...

He took few seconds to arrange his tone effect.

- I need a biographer! Jack smiled widely, leaving enough intensity in his game so that the doubt is allowed.

Was he really serious ?

  • Well, came out in favour Ianto...

    His soft and grave voice at once was so sensual, Jack cannot refrain from closing imperceptibly eyes, as we would listen to some notes of a symphony for the thousandth time without being able to satisfy hunger with it. The gooseflesh raised the spinal column and a shiver of terrible pleasure went through him.

    - why not! Concluded the butler of the base.

Jack felt for once that an explanation was necessary.

  • I have it enough to forget things ! Reminding me things and telling it to a nobody personn could avoid errors and tell certain things would allow me to forget them. Reports exist naturally but they do not speak about all this.

Steps were listened and the voice of Alice resounded even before they screw her . Also engrave, beautiful, harmonious, mastered, articulated as if every word weighed the weight of an incantation. Also tire.

- You should adopte a cat, Jack !

He chuckled and welcomed her french host. His glance went towards the heights of the hub, and he declared by savoring his effect :

- I already have a pterodactyl !

- Really? Alice raised eyes, worries.

  • Do not worry, he likes only the sauce with barbecue!

  • Seriously, baby – She got closer to his face, without taking charge too much of the reaction of unanimous glance of the others... You hunt Aliens and put back them in the temporal bus, if i understood well. You played with their lost property and you keep those who seem useful for the team. But why also do not find allies ?

  • What you also want your pussy I recruit? S houted he pointed nose in the air, playing the offended.
    - No, not Asia! ... She stared, in humbug way ... By the way, Asia is not a cat.

    - You're a witch! I knew ! ... Pointing an accusing finger. A witch ! She is witch!

Harckness got a good and gave the signal for end of meeting. Great strides, he went to the lab, followed by lending the woman he had rescued three days earlier.

- Jack, I'm serious, wait for me, will you !... It's not just humans who are worth on this planet. Just as in the entire universe ... I suppose.

He turned, his face dark, biting the lip upper left, a little annoyed.

- What do YOU know! His eyes shot her on a site.

- Hum ... Common sense, right ? Probabilities.

The words "common sens" was not something that Jack took lightly since he traversed the universe in all directions, including those of the infinite.
Or rather, everything, absolutely everything was light facing this words. And it could be very cruel and painful.

-Let me studie Weewils, for example, will you?

Harckness resumed his stride.

Document 555-6786 -726, Ianto explained that the conversation had taken a short distance while remaining discreet, as usual.

Alice sighed and looked alternately at the two men : she raised her voice.

- I do not mean scalpel or blood tests.
While its role to play in this universe, anyway, I think. Asia is one of the smartest cats I know. The evolution of a species is not linear, it plays back almost every new generation, each individual with genetic mutations but also mutations in the behavior or the ability to link things together, to feel as to love ... There may be a weewhil smarter, better able to communicate with us than others, that we know? What do you really know our enemies?

Jack stopped. Eyebrows raised, he estimated the determination of Alice and the risks incurred. He declaired :

- Ok, Alice. You have three days !

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Torchwood - créations d'épisodes non officiels